Will the Pro version allow you to easily rebrand the reports to add a company logo and contact information? I know you can do this through an HTML editor but not an easy thing to do if you do not do HTML much.
Also something that would be nice to have is the abbility from within the case to print out chain of custody forms with all the case information prepopulated. I have seen some really bad hand writting on forms and if you have the ability to print out the forms you need with the case information already filled in elliminates the chance of someone filling information in wrong. This could then be added to other forms used during investigations as well. Do not need OSForensics to store the completed forms but just have the templates.
Also something that would be nice to have is the abbility from within the case to print out chain of custody forms with all the case information prepopulated. I have seen some really bad hand writting on forms and if you have the ability to print out the forms you need with the case information already filled in elliminates the chance of someone filling information in wrong. This could then be added to other forms used during investigations as well. Do not need OSForensics to store the completed forms but just have the templates.