Does osfmount always mount the windows partition when theres only one version of windows installed on a imaged disk with several partitions. (e.g. recovery partition-windows partition- data partition) Does it look for the windows partition and how does it determine the windows partition.
What happens when there are more windows partitions on a imaged disk.
disk (0) -part 1: windows xp - part 2: windows 7 - part 3: windows 8 - part 4: data.
does osf mount mount al 3 partitions to different drive-letters.
for my script i need to mount the windows partition(s) to extract register hives (sam-software-system) and ntuser.dat per user.
i have to use the cli.
Does osfmount always mount the windows partition when theres only one version of windows installed on a imaged disk with several partitions. (e.g. recovery partition-windows partition- data partition) Does it look for the windows partition and how does it determine the windows partition.
What happens when there are more windows partitions on a imaged disk.
disk (0) -part 1: windows xp - part 2: windows 7 - part 3: windows 8 - part 4: data.
does osf mount mount al 3 partitions to different drive-letters.
for my script i need to mount the windows partition(s) to extract register hives (sam-software-system) and ntuser.dat per user.
i have to use the cli.