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imageUSB - Imaging failed because USB-Stick needs to be formatted

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  • imageUSB - Imaging failed because USB-Stick needs to be formatted

    Hello everyone,
    I finally found the Software imageUSB to write an Image to several USB-Sticks at the same time. However in the last 1-2 days the Imaging fails because during the Write-Process the USB-Stick kind of like "loses" the Format and needs to be formatted again. Due to this, the Imaging-Process fails.
    Nothing special to see in the Logfiles. Only Entries like these:
    Writing Image to USB....
    Error: Failed to write to \\.PhysicalDrive1 at offset XXXXXXX (0x5b100000).
    Error: Failed to write to \\.PhysicalDrive1 at offset 0 (0x00000000)
    Anyone else facing this Error and knows how to fix this? Happens with different USB-Sticks (same Manufacturer, same Model) and also if directly connected to the PC or via USB-A-Hub or USB-C-Hub.

    Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    Try testing on another computer. If the same errors appear in the logs on the other system, then maybe the drives are bad. If the issue doesn't follow to the new computer, then possibly there is an issue with your original system.


    • #3
      Hello Richard,
      thanks for your reply. I already tested it on another Computer - same Error appers. It does not affect all USB-Drives. I wrote the Image to about 30 USB-Drives and only some got the error. All USB-Drives were brand new and are working beside of imageUSB properly.
      Thanks for your Tips anyways. Will accept this and just retry the failed Imaging-Processes until it works.


      • #4
        When we were doing mass duplication of USB drives (years ago) we found very very high hardware failure rates. Around 30% of all drives failed. These were cheaper no name drives.

        We switched to Kingston drives and the failure rate is under 1% now.

        Also note that the USB drives do NOT need to be formatted before you do the disk image. ImageUSB does a sector level copy and ignores all disk formatting. This is another reason to think it is hardware failure.

