Hi ,
I wonder why my clock speed and fsb speed are not the same in the test vs my bios
I've set the fsb at 460 * 8 clock speed 3.68 but when i run the test it say 413*8 and the clock speed at 3.3
The strange thing is that i have already done this test like one week ago and it was runing at 460 fsb and 3.68ghz
I have change the power supply and the video card
And then when i test i got 413 fsb clock at 3.3 ghz
I think this is a bug cause my result are similar

I wonder why my clock speed and fsb speed are not the same in the test vs my bios
I've set the fsb at 460 * 8 clock speed 3.68 but when i run the test it say 413*8 and the clock speed at 3.3
The strange thing is that i have already done this test like one week ago and it was runing at 460 fsb and 3.68ghz
I have change the power supply and the video card
And then when i test i got 413 fsb clock at 3.3 ghz
I think this is a bug cause my result are similar
