Passmark, can you explan why the 1600 is outperforming the 1600X in Passmark ratings?
Can you delve deeper into the data to determine if there is a bias towards overclocking in the 1600 to arrive at a higher Passmark rating... as of today, there are 569 samples taken out of the 1600 and only 181 from the 1600X. Something doesn't seem right. A median value of the frequency taken in the benchmark samples would be good. Thanks.
Can you delve deeper into the data to determine if there is a bias towards overclocking in the 1600 to arrive at a higher Passmark rating... as of today, there are 569 samples taken out of the 1600 and only 181 from the 1600X. Something doesn't seem right. A median value of the frequency taken in the benchmark samples would be good. Thanks.