I realise it's overly simple only to blame background processes, and poor results could be down to countless other things.
And I'm sure you're right, most of the time poor results submitted won't be due to background processes.
But I guess my post was also something for you guys to think about in terms of implementing a check in future releases in order to take 1 less element out of the equation in terms of poor results? e.g. wait for a few second when the system become idle, and if it doesn't, then warn end user and let them decide whether to go ahead anyway.
Another thing to consider, since you already check thermals, is to warn the end user, and ask them before running a test when your software detects temps are above (for example) 90c mark while idling. Again, it's just something which PT can take into account to gather more accurate results.
Yet another thing your software could do is to automatically switch to the 'high performance' power settings, again to eliminate any throttling.
Originally posted by David (PassMark)
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