I've learned a little today about upgrading ram to higher clock speed models and I wanted to share what I have seen so far In my testing.
I run an Asus TUF gaming X570 plus with a Ryzen 5600X. The CPU is in PBO-mode and hits a max of 4.85 the way its currently set up.
To start off, I ordered a 16GB set of Team Group Nighthawk RGB XMP rated at 4000mhz CL 18-20-20-44 1.35v because I wanted to see what sort of improvement I could get over the set of Corsair Vengeance RGB 3200 CL16 I was using. The Corsair was highly recommended when I got it and it has ran rock solid at the XMP rating and I was able to boost it up to 3466 CL15 which gave a good improvement in tests.
So my best benchmark for the Corsair was 3288

So I installed the Nighthawk and Turned on DOCP. It looked to be working correctly setting the timing to 4000 and the timings to the 18-20-20-44 and 1.35 I expected. But when I ran a benchmark this was the result.

So I was really disappointed when I saw that it was actually performing slower than the Corsair.
I went through the Bios again and everything was how it was supposed to be as far as I could tell.
So I did some reading on 4000mhz ram and looked for what I was missing. The important thing I found out is that ram runs better when the infinity fabric (Fclock) timing is 1:1 with the memory clock (the actual memory clock not the number used, so 3800 ram is 1800, 3200 = 1200 and so on). And I read that the sweet spot for Ryzen cpu's is around 3800mhz with the Fclock at 1900.
So I took a reading with taiphoon and put it in the memory calculator and took pictures of the safe settings at different speeds from 3200 up to 3800 (It wouldn't give me timings for anything over 4000mhz) and I started out with the recommended 3200 cl14 timings and I filled in all the sub timings also. And when I booted it up the first benchmark I got was much better.

So since that went so well and I saw a big increase in the other Benchmarks I ran I decided to get right to it and see how it did using the "safe" settings for 3800mhz 16-18-19-18-36.
Now here is where I want to mention one thing I learned. Memory calculator lists almost all the timings in the same order you input into the bios of an Asus TUF x570. But the 2nd two "tRCDWR" and tRCDRD are switched. So be careful there. I now wonder if that could have hindered some of my past attempts at getting higher timings. Because although it did boot to windows and I was able to get an amazing benchmark after about 20min my system reset. That was when I noticed that the order was slightly different. Then I changed them to where they belonged and had things running pretty stable. Then I ran a benchmark without any overclock on the CPU and got this result.

I learned before that my system is stable with PBO up to 4.95mhz if I set all the settings in my bios to match the recommended settings on page 1 of Ryzen calculator and match the settings for best dram stability on the power settings page. So I set all those to the recommended values then used the manual PBO settings I have been using (google 5600x ideal settings) and ran this for my best OC so far.

So now we are talking a 400 point increase on Memory mark alone. Other benchmarks were also highly improved. At this point I am gonna stay where I am for now. I don't know why the Ryzen calculator doesn't give settings for over 3800mhz but I could probably find ones that work through trial and error. But since I have read the sweet spot is supposedly right at 3800mhz for ryzen systems I am gonna assume that's pretty close to Ideal for this set.
I hope this helps some people who are in the same place I was. I know if I didn't read what I did and the ram I just got actually slowed me down I would have probably sent the kit back for a refund and tried a diff set. And prob had the same result :P
I run an Asus TUF gaming X570 plus with a Ryzen 5600X. The CPU is in PBO-mode and hits a max of 4.85 the way its currently set up.
To start off, I ordered a 16GB set of Team Group Nighthawk RGB XMP rated at 4000mhz CL 18-20-20-44 1.35v because I wanted to see what sort of improvement I could get over the set of Corsair Vengeance RGB 3200 CL16 I was using. The Corsair was highly recommended when I got it and it has ran rock solid at the XMP rating and I was able to boost it up to 3466 CL15 which gave a good improvement in tests.
So my best benchmark for the Corsair was 3288

So I installed the Nighthawk and Turned on DOCP. It looked to be working correctly setting the timing to 4000 and the timings to the 18-20-20-44 and 1.35 I expected. But when I ran a benchmark this was the result.

So I was really disappointed when I saw that it was actually performing slower than the Corsair.
I went through the Bios again and everything was how it was supposed to be as far as I could tell.
So I did some reading on 4000mhz ram and looked for what I was missing. The important thing I found out is that ram runs better when the infinity fabric (Fclock) timing is 1:1 with the memory clock (the actual memory clock not the number used, so 3800 ram is 1800, 3200 = 1200 and so on). And I read that the sweet spot for Ryzen cpu's is around 3800mhz with the Fclock at 1900.
So I took a reading with taiphoon and put it in the memory calculator and took pictures of the safe settings at different speeds from 3200 up to 3800 (It wouldn't give me timings for anything over 4000mhz) and I started out with the recommended 3200 cl14 timings and I filled in all the sub timings also. And when I booted it up the first benchmark I got was much better.

So since that went so well and I saw a big increase in the other Benchmarks I ran I decided to get right to it and see how it did using the "safe" settings for 3800mhz 16-18-19-18-36.
Now here is where I want to mention one thing I learned. Memory calculator lists almost all the timings in the same order you input into the bios of an Asus TUF x570. But the 2nd two "tRCDWR" and tRCDRD are switched. So be careful there. I now wonder if that could have hindered some of my past attempts at getting higher timings. Because although it did boot to windows and I was able to get an amazing benchmark after about 20min my system reset. That was when I noticed that the order was slightly different. Then I changed them to where they belonged and had things running pretty stable. Then I ran a benchmark without any overclock on the CPU and got this result.

I learned before that my system is stable with PBO up to 4.95mhz if I set all the settings in my bios to match the recommended settings on page 1 of Ryzen calculator and match the settings for best dram stability on the power settings page. So I set all those to the recommended values then used the manual PBO settings I have been using (google 5600x ideal settings) and ran this for my best OC so far.

So now we are talking a 400 point increase on Memory mark alone. Other benchmarks were also highly improved. At this point I am gonna stay where I am for now. I don't know why the Ryzen calculator doesn't give settings for over 3800mhz but I could probably find ones that work through trial and error. But since I have read the sweet spot is supposedly right at 3800mhz for ryzen systems I am gonna assume that's pretty close to Ideal for this set.
I hope this helps some people who are in the same place I was. I know if I didn't read what I did and the ram I just got actually slowed me down I would have probably sent the kit back for a refund and tried a diff set. And prob had the same result :P