I had some problems with my pc performance lately which I though was odd because I just build it a few months ago. So I ran the Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool but it said everything was fine but I felt like the performance was still way worse than a few months back. So I looked up the benchmarks it should have which is 10160 (http://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?....60GHz&id=2226) and then tested mine and got 3041 (http://www.passmark.com/baselines/V8...id=31141436870) and I have no idea why...
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Help! processor benchmarks way worse than they should be.
Yes, something is wrong.
The system is report that the CPU only has 1 core available.
The 'turbo' clock speed also doesn't appear to be correct.
Start by checking the BIOS settings.
And also check this more general list of issues,
Causes and Solutions for a slow PC
Thanks a lot for the help
I think I fixed it by unchecking the processor-amount box in msconfig.
thats my rating now: http://www.passmark.com/baselines/V8...id=31171053558 looks fine now doesnt it?