I have no clue how to calculate what my passmark will be if I switch out my hard drive for a new one here are my Current specs:
motherboard mark= 3037
cpu mark= 8912
g2d mark = 1081
g3d mark = 5146
memory mark = 2471
disk mark = 781
over all passmark score was 3100
the only one I am planning on changing is the harddrive, im going to upgrade it to a 120gb ssd Samsung evo 850. its passmark disk make is 5,874 what can I expect? would I be in the low 7000 or high 6000? or would it not even really effect where I am?
motherboard mark= 3037
cpu mark= 8912
g2d mark = 1081
g3d mark = 5146
memory mark = 2471
disk mark = 781
over all passmark score was 3100
the only one I am planning on changing is the harddrive, im going to upgrade it to a 120gb ssd Samsung evo 850. its passmark disk make is 5,874 what can I expect? would I be in the low 7000 or high 6000? or would it not even really effect where I am?