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  • nav
    i got a 192.6 pass mark and 694 mega flop, the major things that let me down were graphics + HD, how'd increase these

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  • Pogodemonkey
    is score good?

    i got a 297.6 overall and 691.0 megaflops (PerformanceTest V4)

    asus a7n8x-e deluxe
    amd athlon 3000+ 2,16 ghz
    1024 mb ram 2x 512 MB 400 MHz DDR-Ram Infineon
    HD 160 GB Samsung 7200 8MB
    128 MB Asus 9570 FX 5700 TD with zahlman zm80d-hp + fan

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  • David (PassMark)
    In most cases RAID does significantly improve performance. But you need to be careful to specify if you are talking about RAID0,1,2,3 or 5, etc..


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  • replied
    Originally posted by gbm
    my score was 740.05, on a fresh install.
    I just can't figure how you and others are getting those killer Diskmark scores. I have a 37GB Raptor on a clean XP install, and only get a Diskmark score of 231. Tests done by the HDD testing sites have shown that RAID does not consistently improve performance, and in some cases even degrades it slightly.

    Are you feeding your HDD's steroids? :P

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  • gbm
    Very respectable!

    Pay no attention to the jerks who post their tests using RAM Disk for HDD to inflate their scores.

    I built a system on 6/11/2004. p4 3.4ee 10,000 rpm raid 0 drives, ya ya ya.

    my score was 740.05, on a fresh install.
    The same system with a ram drive is 1453.78. I have a very fast system. I only posted that 1453.78 because someone posted their numbers with a ram drive first and started it all.

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  • Scythre
    10000 rpm Western Digital Raptors raid 0

    Hi there
    I was browsing your thread and thought this might help
    A genuine test on striped raptors for your reference
    they benchmark over twice as fast as a standard IDE 7200

    Computer AMD XP3200+ 1 Gig 3200 DDR
    Nvidia FX5900 @ 425 Mhz core/900 Mhz memory
    Disk - Sequential Read 75.08
    Disk - Sequential Write 72.05
    Disk - Random Seek + RW 4.25
    Disk Mark 399.65
    PassMark Rating 79.93 (partial result only)

    A Serious Overclocking speed freak

    Cheers 4 now

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  • replied
    Originally posted by PassMark
    But they can be used to make it look like you have a super fast hard drive (when in fact it is just usng RAM and not writing anythng to a real disk).

    From the scores I have seen from a few posters, they are surely using a RAM Drive. I have a very fast 10,000 RPM HDD and a good disk subsystem on my board, and get only ~10% of their HDD performance. Even Raid0 isn't nearly that much faster than my disk. They're only cheating themselves. I doubt seriously if it impresses anyone else.

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  • David (PassMark)
    Using various bits of software you can allocate part of your computers RAM to behave like a hard disk and have it appear in Windows explorer with a drive letter.

    The RAM 'drive' will not be as big as normal hard drive but will be much much quicker. But then when the machine is powered down, all the contents of the RAMDrive will be lost. So they are not very useful most of the time. Years ago when people only had floppy disk drives and hard drives were very expensive, RAM drives were more useful.

    But they can be used to make it look like you have a super fast hard drive (when in fact it is just usng RAM and not writing anythng to a real disk).


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  • replied
    how do you "Use RamDisk" ?

    what exactly do you mean ?

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  • bobad
    Very respectable!

    Pay no attention to the jerks who post their tests using RAM Disk for HDD to inflate their scores.

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  • Anonymous
    started a topic Performance


    I only got a 293.5 score My setup is as follows... Athlon xp 2800+,512 meg pc 2700 memory, Geforce fx 5900, 120 gig hard drive..