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Test OK?!

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  • David (PassMark)
    You can compare your result to others by downloading some the 11,000+ baseline files that we keep in the baseline database (you need to purchase the software before you can use the files however).

    You can also compare just your CPU's performace by looking at the CPU charts.

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  • zhiLc
    started a topic Test OK?!

    Test OK?!

    Test Name: This Computer
    CPU - Integer Math: 302.4
    CPU - Floating Point Math: 1188.1
    CPU - Find Prime Numbers: 1154.3
    CPU - SSE/3DNow!: 7273.7
    CPU - Compression: 7690.2
    CPU - Encryption: 44.1
    CPU - Image Rotation: 1473.3
    CPU - String Sorting: 5307.0
    Graphics 2D - Lines: 206.6
    Graphics 2D - Rectangles: 285.0
    Graphics 2D - Shapes: 7.7
    Graphics 2D - Fonts and Text: 374.3
    Graphics 2D - GUI: 292.9
    Graphics 3D - Simple: 2269.6
    Graphics 3D - Medium: 594.3
    Graphics 3D - Complex: 70.6
    Memory - Allocate Small Block: 3265.7
    Memory - Read Cached: 2399.8
    Memory - Read Uncached: 2395.0
    Memory - Write: 2008.9
    Memory - Large RAM: 944.7
    Disk - Sequential Read: 67.1
    Disk - Sequential Write: 74.2
    Disk - Random Seek + RW: 2.8
    CD - Read: 3.3
    CPU Mark: 2111.7
    2D Graphics Mark: 866.7
    Memory Mark: 814.3
    Disk Mark: 521.3
    CD Mark: 403.5
    3D Graphics Mark: 939.1
    PassMark Rating: 1091.3

    System information: This Computer
    CPU Manufacturer: GenuineIntel
    Number of CPU: 1
    (2 Core(s)/CPU, 1 Logical(s)/Core)
    CPU Type: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8200 @ 2.66GHz
    CPU Speed: 3200.0 MHz
    Cache size: 6144KB
    O/S: Windows XP (WIN32)
    Total RAM: 2814.5 MB.
    Available RAM: 2236.2 MB.
    Video settings: 1280x960x32
    Video driver:
    MANUFACTURER: GeForce 8800 GT
    BIOS: Version
    DATE: 01/12/08
    Drive Letter: C
    Total Disk Space: 59.0 GBytes
    Cluster Size: 4.0 KBytes
    File system: NTFS