I've seen quite a few people post questions inquiring about if there Quad Core processor's score is "good."
Attached, are my benchmark results. They should serve two purposes.
First, they'll serve as a basis for comparison. If you're wondering what hardware might improve your computer, you can get an idea by looking at what I've installed. The juxtaposition of my system, your system and your potential system will allow you to determine if your score is "good" and what the purchase of similar parts as mine, might allow you to achieve. Additionally, it will allow you to consider what better parts may offer you, if you'd like better performance than my system.
Second, it shows overclocking capabilities of a "bleeding edge" system that is air cooled. For those of you wondering how far to push your system, or what you can do with your system, I wouldn't recommend pushing it past the limits that are listed below. Note: My system is air-cooled -- a liquid cooled system may be pushed slightly further.
I hope this helps
Additionally, my score fluctuates between a 2351 (lowest) and 2404 (highest). You should expect similar flucutations.
Benchmark Results
CPU - Integer Math 2346.4
CPU - Floating Point Math 3538.1
CPU - Find Prime Numbers 1655.7
CPU - SSE 19233.7
CPU - Compression 22754.3
CPU - Encryption 117.1
CPU - Image Rotation 7762.9
CPU - String Sorting 13726.8
Graphics 2D - Lines 188.4
Graphics 2D - Rectangles 136.7
Graphics 2D - Shapes 79.0
Graphics 2D - Fonts and Text 412.1
Graphics 2D - GUI 235.6
Graphics 3D - Simple 2994.8
Graphics 3D - Medium 878.3
Graphics 3D - Complex 130.8
Memory - Allocate Small Block 4376.4
Memory - Read Cached 3466.3
Memory - Read Uncached 3395.4
Memory - Write 2296.7
Memory - Large RAM 3236.6
Disk - Sequential Read 117.3
Disk - Sequential Write 109.4
Disk - Random Seek + RW 6.1
CD - Read 2.7
CPU Mark 6266.0
2D Graphics Mark 770.9
Memory Mark 1239.9
Disk Mark 841.9
CD Mark 330.4
3D Graphics Mark 1281.4
PassMark Rating 2374.8
System information - This Computer
Motherboard: EVGA 790I Ultra CPU Cooler: Masscool 8WA471
CPU Manufacturer:Genuine Intel Number of CPU: 1 (4 Core(s)/CPU, 1 Logical(s)/Core)
CPU Type: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9550 @ 2.83GHz CPU Speed: 4002.1 MHz
Cache size: 6144KB O/S: Windows Vista (WIN64)
Total RAM:8189.6 MB. (Corsair XMS3 1333 with heatsink) Available RAM:6558.5 MB.
Video settings: 1600x1200x32
Video driver: DESCRIPTION: GeForce 9800 GTX/9800 GTX+ Overclocked with Riva Tuner
Drive Letter: C Total Disk Space: 931.5 GBytes (2X500 GB of Western Digital 7200 RPM in Raid 0 "Stripe" configuration
Cluster Size: 4 KBytes File system:NTFS
Attached, are my benchmark results. They should serve two purposes.
First, they'll serve as a basis for comparison. If you're wondering what hardware might improve your computer, you can get an idea by looking at what I've installed. The juxtaposition of my system, your system and your potential system will allow you to determine if your score is "good" and what the purchase of similar parts as mine, might allow you to achieve. Additionally, it will allow you to consider what better parts may offer you, if you'd like better performance than my system.
Second, it shows overclocking capabilities of a "bleeding edge" system that is air cooled. For those of you wondering how far to push your system, or what you can do with your system, I wouldn't recommend pushing it past the limits that are listed below. Note: My system is air-cooled -- a liquid cooled system may be pushed slightly further.
I hope this helps

Additionally, my score fluctuates between a 2351 (lowest) and 2404 (highest). You should expect similar flucutations.
Benchmark Results
CPU - Integer Math 2346.4
CPU - Floating Point Math 3538.1
CPU - Find Prime Numbers 1655.7
CPU - SSE 19233.7
CPU - Compression 22754.3
CPU - Encryption 117.1
CPU - Image Rotation 7762.9
CPU - String Sorting 13726.8
Graphics 2D - Lines 188.4
Graphics 2D - Rectangles 136.7
Graphics 2D - Shapes 79.0
Graphics 2D - Fonts and Text 412.1
Graphics 2D - GUI 235.6
Graphics 3D - Simple 2994.8
Graphics 3D - Medium 878.3
Graphics 3D - Complex 130.8
Memory - Allocate Small Block 4376.4
Memory - Read Cached 3466.3
Memory - Read Uncached 3395.4
Memory - Write 2296.7
Memory - Large RAM 3236.6
Disk - Sequential Read 117.3
Disk - Sequential Write 109.4
Disk - Random Seek + RW 6.1
CD - Read 2.7
CPU Mark 6266.0
2D Graphics Mark 770.9
Memory Mark 1239.9
Disk Mark 841.9
CD Mark 330.4
3D Graphics Mark 1281.4
PassMark Rating 2374.8
System information - This Computer
Motherboard: EVGA 790I Ultra CPU Cooler: Masscool 8WA471
CPU Manufacturer:Genuine Intel Number of CPU: 1 (4 Core(s)/CPU, 1 Logical(s)/Core)
CPU Type: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9550 @ 2.83GHz CPU Speed: 4002.1 MHz
Cache size: 6144KB O/S: Windows Vista (WIN64)
Total RAM:8189.6 MB. (Corsair XMS3 1333 with heatsink) Available RAM:6558.5 MB.
Video settings: 1600x1200x32
Video driver: DESCRIPTION: GeForce 9800 GTX/9800 GTX+ Overclocked with Riva Tuner
Drive Letter: C Total Disk Space: 931.5 GBytes (2X500 GB of Western Digital 7200 RPM in Raid 0 "Stripe" configuration
Cluster Size: 4 KBytes File system:NTFS