The Graphics 2D - Transparent Vectors result scored low = .8
How can I improve this? I am currently running autocad 2009 using only 2d graphics. I did some searching for what this meant and if improvement in this area would increase my autocad performance. I'm currently having some autocad software issues related to the graphics, so getting a handle on this transparent vectors issue would be the first step. Thanks. I would post a sreenshot, but I don't know how to attach a picture.
How can I improve this? I am currently running autocad 2009 using only 2d graphics. I did some searching for what this meant and if improvement in this area would increase my autocad performance. I'm currently having some autocad software issues related to the graphics, so getting a handle on this transparent vectors issue would be the first step. Thanks. I would post a sreenshot, but I don't know how to attach a picture.