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CPU compression test slower with faster CPU, why ?

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  • David (PassMark)
    The T2400 at 1.8Mhz isn't dramatically faster than the P4 at 3Ghz (except in the multimedia / SSE test). So it isn't surprising that you get similar results in some of the tests. Different tests can favour different CPU architectures. I don't think there is anything wrong with your T2400.

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  • maicod
    started a topic CPU compression test slower with faster CPU, why ?

    CPU compression test slower with faster CPU, why ?

    I ran all CPU tests comparing my Pentium4 3.0 GHZ (multithreading on) with my notebooks T2400 (dual core) CPU and the test results for every CPU test were faster for the T2400 except the CPU compression test with which the P4 was even 10 % faster than the T2400.

    Does anyone know what causes this compression test to run so slow on the T2400 ?