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What to choose T4300 or M300/M500?

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  • Yexel
    ok, about CPU I did understand... thanks. the thing is what I want to use the notebook for work and not for games(maybe some simple games...). I don't know which one will be better...

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  • David (PassMark)
    You can look up the CPU benchmarks here in the charts.

    The T4300 and M500 are fairly close. Close enough that other factors like battery life and video card should be the deciding factor.

    In terms of the video cards, both options are pretty poor.

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  • Yexel
    started a topic What to choose T4300 or M300/M500?

    What to choose T4300 or M300/M500?

    I want to buy a laptop and don't know which one to choose(they are both Toshiba, the difference consist in processor and graphics and price):
    Intel Pentium T4300+Intel GL40+GMA4500 or
    AMD Athlon II M300+AMD M860G+Radeon 4100 or
    AMD Turion II M500+AMD M860G+Radeon 4100 ?

    the difference of price isn't a big one, just want to buy something better for this summ of money.