I recently built a new system, and when running the Benchmark on it, I get a very low rating on the Solid and Transparent Vectors:
That is actually the higest I have gotten for them over the last few days. I was wondering what might be causing this. My drivers are up to date.
Benchmark Results
Test Name: This Computer
Graphics 2D - Solid Vectors: 1.1
Graphics 2D - Transparent Vectors: 1.3
Graphics 2D - Complex Vectors: 110.5
Graphics 2D - Fonts and Text: 173.2
Graphics 2D - Windows Interface: 90.9
Graphics 2D - Image Filters: 262.6
2D Graphics - Image Rendering: 449.9
Graphics 3D - Simple: 2702.4
Graphics 3D - Medium: 487.0
Graphics 3D - Complex: 54.9
Graphics 3D - DirectX 10: 20.4
PassMark Rating: 1446.5
System information: This Computer
CPU Manufacturer: GenuineIntel
Number of CPU: 1
Cores per CPU: 4
CPU Type: Intel Core i5 750 @ 2.67GHz
CPU Speed: 2666.2 MHz
Cache size: 256KB
O/S: Windows 7 (64-bit)
Total RAM: 4091.5 MB.
Available RAM: 2974.5 MB.
Video settings: 1920x1080x32
Video driver:
MANUFACTURER: ATI Technologies Inc.
BIOS: 113-C01001-100
DATE: 9-18-2009
Drive Letter: C
Total Disk Space: 1397.3 GBytes
Cluster Size: 4.0 KBytes
File system: NTFS
Test Name: This Computer
Graphics 2D - Solid Vectors: 1.1
Graphics 2D - Transparent Vectors: 1.3
Graphics 2D - Complex Vectors: 110.5
Graphics 2D - Fonts and Text: 173.2
Graphics 2D - Windows Interface: 90.9
Graphics 2D - Image Filters: 262.6
2D Graphics - Image Rendering: 449.9
Graphics 3D - Simple: 2702.4
Graphics 3D - Medium: 487.0
Graphics 3D - Complex: 54.9
Graphics 3D - DirectX 10: 20.4
PassMark Rating: 1446.5
System information: This Computer
CPU Manufacturer: GenuineIntel
Number of CPU: 1
Cores per CPU: 4
CPU Type: Intel Core i5 750 @ 2.67GHz
CPU Speed: 2666.2 MHz
Cache size: 256KB
O/S: Windows 7 (64-bit)
Total RAM: 4091.5 MB.
Available RAM: 2974.5 MB.
Video settings: 1920x1080x32
Video driver:
MANUFACTURER: ATI Technologies Inc.
BIOS: 113-C01001-100
DATE: 9-18-2009
Drive Letter: C
Total Disk Space: 1397.3 GBytes
Cluster Size: 4.0 KBytes
File system: NTFS