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    Just a though..

    is there a way to view the posted benchmarks in desending order by thier score???

    a killer option would be to sort scores with elected options meaning - all scores need a base cpu and video system and ram but items such as cd drives speed can alter what is the true performance of a machine.. I would think for most people a cd/dvd is basicly a load device if it's just good enought to playback a dvd video its good enough the real work is in processing the data, same goes with harddrive speeds.. for me I have a huge raid setup to handle video files but its only as good as how fast can the data be processed although killer r/w benchmarks would show - it tells you very little about the performance of that computer
    mike hammer

  • #2
    You can sort baselines by rating from within PerformanceTest, in the baseline download window. Screenshots are here,


