I'll start with my system specs...
Vista 64-bit
i7 920 @ 2.6Ghz
Patriot 6GB DDR3 1066
EVGA GTX 470, no OC
Seagate 7200.12 500GB
Kingwin 730 Watt
My test results:
I don't know how to analyze this data. My scores do seem pretty low, don't they?
The reason I decided to try PassMark today was because I have been experiencing some framerate drops across all of my PC games as of lately. I don't experience any crashes, BSoD's, or issues with general computing tasks. Can this test give me an answer to the problem?
Vista 64-bit
i7 920 @ 2.6Ghz
Patriot 6GB DDR3 1066
EVGA GTX 470, no OC
Seagate 7200.12 500GB
Kingwin 730 Watt
My test results:
PassMark(TM) PerformanceTest 7.0 Evaluation Version (http://www.passmark.com) Results generated on: Sunday, March 13, 2011 Benchmark Results Test Name: This Computer CPU - Integer Math: 273.3 CPU - Floating Point Math: 354.4 CPU - Find Prime Numbers: 129.2 CPU - SSE: 1.9 CPU - Compression: 889.0 CPU - Encryption: 2.6 CPU - Physics: 57.4 CPU - String Sorting: 636.0 Graphics 2D - Solid Vectors: 3.4 Graphics 2D - Transparent Vectors: 3.3 Graphics 2D - Complex Vectors: 81.6 Graphics 2D - Fonts and Text: 109.8 Graphics 2D - Windows Interface: 91.2 Graphics 2D - Image Filters: 161.9 2D Graphics - Image Rendering: 287.0 Graphics 3D - Simple: 1551.8 Graphics 3D - Medium: 807.2 Graphics 3D - Complex: 30.6 Graphics 3D - DirectX 10: 25.7 Memory - Allocate Small Block: 2426.4 Memory - Read Cached: 1285.1 Memory - Read Uncached: 1216.3 Memory - Write: 1238.6 Memory - Large RAM: 1773.8 Disk - Sequential Read: 95.8 Disk - Sequential Write: 95.4 Disk - Random Seek + RW: 3.6 CD - Read: 1.5 CPU Mark: 756.7 2D Graphics Mark: 417.5 Memory Mark: 826.1 Disk Mark: 704.4 CD Mark: 179.8 3D Graphics Mark: 1490.6 [B]PassMark Rating: 727.4[/B] [I]System information: This Computer CPU Manufacturer: GenuineIntel Number of CPU: 8 Cores per CPU: 1 CPU Type: Intel Core i7 920 @ 2.67GHz CPU Speed: 2664.8 MHz Cache size: 256KB O/S: Windows Vista (64-bit) Total RAM: 6141.6 MB. Available RAM: 4483.2 MB. Video settings: 1680x1050x32 Video driver: DESCRIPTION: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470 MANUFACTURER: NVIDIA BIOS: Version DATE: 10-16-2010 Drive Letter: C Total Disk Space: 465.8 GBytes Cluster Size: 4.0 KBytes File system: NTFS[/I]
The reason I decided to try PassMark today was because I have been experiencing some framerate drops across all of my PC games as of lately. I don't experience any crashes, BSoD's, or issues with general computing tasks. Can this test give me an answer to the problem?