Just tried PPT and was surprised by my Dell T310 showing a CPU mark of exactly 50% of the average for a Xeon 3440 (2627 vs 5256.) I can't seem to see any reason for it; clocking is right, BIOS set for all cores etc. Any resources to narrow down a cause or is this a benchmark issue? Thanks
Benchmark Results
Test Name: This Computer
CPU - Integer Math: 950.0
CPU - Floating Point Math: 1065.0
CPU - Find Prime Numbers: 419.0
CPU - SSE: 6.8
CPU - Compression: 2728.7
CPU - Encryption: 9.6
CPU - Physics: 233.9
CPU - String Sorting: 2178.0
Graphics 2D - Solid Vectors: 2.2
Graphics 2D - Transparent Vectors: 0.9
Graphics 2D - Complex Vectors: 40.2
Graphics 2D - Fonts and Text: 50.8
Graphics 2D - Windows Interface: 48.6
Graphics 2D - Image Filters: 59.6
Graphics 2D - Image Rendering: 140.0
Memory - Allocate Small Block: 2221.5
Memory - Read Cached: 965.7
Memory - Read Uncached: 924.8
Memory - Write: 869.7
Memory - Large RAM: 1955.3
Disk - Sequential Read: 91.1
Disk - Sequential Write: 98.9
Disk - Random Seek + RW: 3.0
CPU Mark: 2627.6
2D Graphics Mark: 179.3
Memory Mark: 793.0
Disk Mark: 698.0
PassMark Rating: 911.1
System information: This Computer
CPU Manufacturer: GenuineIntel
Number of CPU: 1
Cores per CPU: 4
CPU Type: Intel Xeon X3440 @ 2.53GHz
CPU Speed: 2527.2 MHz
Cache size: 256KB
O/S: Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)
Total RAM: 8182.2 MB.
Available RAM: 6081.6 MB.
Video settings: 1680x1050x16
Video driver:
Drive Letter: C
Total Disk Space: 80.0 GBytes
Cluster Size: 4.0 KBytes
File system: NTFS
Benchmark Results
Test Name: This Computer
CPU - Integer Math: 950.0
CPU - Floating Point Math: 1065.0
CPU - Find Prime Numbers: 419.0
CPU - SSE: 6.8
CPU - Compression: 2728.7
CPU - Encryption: 9.6
CPU - Physics: 233.9
CPU - String Sorting: 2178.0
Graphics 2D - Solid Vectors: 2.2
Graphics 2D - Transparent Vectors: 0.9
Graphics 2D - Complex Vectors: 40.2
Graphics 2D - Fonts and Text: 50.8
Graphics 2D - Windows Interface: 48.6
Graphics 2D - Image Filters: 59.6
Graphics 2D - Image Rendering: 140.0
Memory - Allocate Small Block: 2221.5
Memory - Read Cached: 965.7
Memory - Read Uncached: 924.8
Memory - Write: 869.7
Memory - Large RAM: 1955.3
Disk - Sequential Read: 91.1
Disk - Sequential Write: 98.9
Disk - Random Seek + RW: 3.0
CPU Mark: 2627.6
2D Graphics Mark: 179.3
Memory Mark: 793.0
Disk Mark: 698.0
PassMark Rating: 911.1
System information: This Computer
CPU Manufacturer: GenuineIntel
Number of CPU: 1
Cores per CPU: 4
CPU Type: Intel Xeon X3440 @ 2.53GHz
CPU Speed: 2527.2 MHz
Cache size: 256KB
O/S: Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)
Total RAM: 8182.2 MB.
Available RAM: 6081.6 MB.
Video settings: 1680x1050x16
Video driver:
Drive Letter: C
Total Disk Space: 80.0 GBytes
Cluster Size: 4.0 KBytes
File system: NTFS