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Startup Error Number 12

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  • Simca
    Hey Michael, thanks for the reply.

    There is a folder at C:\ProgramData\Passmark\PerformanceTest and it looks like it should have write access. There were two files there (LastUsed.cfg and userinfo.dat).

    I moved those files to my desktop (leaving the folder empty) and ran it again and got a Startup Error: 1 this time.

    I can't find any record of THAT on google either. Any idea what that one means?

    EDIT: YAY. I deleted the Passmark folder in ProgramData entirely and then did another reinstall and it works now!

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  • Michael (Passmark)
    This error is a failure to open a file for writing in this folder

    Can you check this folder exists and you have write permissions for it.

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  • Simca
    started a topic Startup Error Number 12

    Startup Error Number 12

    Hi, my computer bugged out and I lost all my "ProgramData". When I went to start up Performance Test 7.0 64-bit edition (on Win7 64-bit btw), I got an "error during startup." message with the error code 12.

    Naturally, I uninstalled it and deleted all relevant entries I could find. After a clean reinstall though, the problem persists.

    Looking through these forums and google extensively, I can find no record of "Startup Error Code: 12". Hopefully somebody with a list of error codes at Passmark support can help!
    Last edited by Simca; Sep-11-2011, 01:56 AM.