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Termination of support for PerformanceTest V6 and V7

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  • Termination of support for PerformanceTest V6 and V7

    We are terminating cloud support for V6 and V7 of PerformanceTest.

    These older versions of the software will continue to work as they always have, but we will no longer be providing cloud based database access on our server. (i.e. baseline submission, baseline searching and downloads).

    So searching for baselines in V7 of PerformanceTest will now return "No results found".

    This was done for two reasons,
    1. With the pending release of PerformanceTest V9, we didn't want to be supporting 4 separate software releases.
    2. We were forced into an SQL database upgrade for security reasons, but (to our surprise) with the new database engine the output format changed in a few subtle ways, breaking support for V7. Rather than go back to code we haven't touched since 2012, we have decided to discontinue support and put effort into V9 instead.
    Should you wish to upgrade to V8 (or V9 in the very near future) you can do so from the upgrade page.