There has been some discussion in the media about the disk/SSD performance of the new iPhone7.

There was reports that the models with smaller drives are slower.

So we did some data mining in our iPhone benchmark database to see if this was true.

The tables below show the results from 2587 separate iPhone7 devices that have run our PerformanceTest Mobile benchmark to date.

And it seems it is true. The smaller models are much slower.

iPhone 7
Internal Phone Model # Disk Size (GB) Avg Disk Mark Avg Read (MB/Sec) Avg Write (MB/Sec) Benchmark Samples
iPhone9,1 25.9 37384 667.2 72.4 70
iPhone9,3 25.9 39642 710.0 75.1 396
iPhone9,1 113.6 62237 772.4 336.9 195
iPhone9,3 113.6 63499 808.3 330.8 619
iPhone9,1 231.7 63868 751.2 372.3 161
iPhone9,3 231.7 66681 831.6 358.4 53

iPhone 7 Plus
Internal Phone Model # Disk Size (GB) Avg Disk Mark Avg Read (MB/Sec) Avg Write (MB/Sec) Benchmark Samples
iPhone9,2 25.7 45713 838.2 74.1 125
iPhone9,4 25.8 46310 838.0 82.2 178
iPhone9,2 113.4 74944 1028.2 343.0 138
iPhone9,4 113.4 74223 1025.3 335.2 276
iPhone9,2 231.5 78924 1047.1 384.0 143
iPhone9,4 231.5 79058 1050.9 383.4 233