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Performance Test using inhouse software

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  • David (PassMark)
    If you just want to benchmark your in house software, why not just benchmark it. e.g. time how long it takes to start and perform some pre-defined operation.

    Why involve any other software (3rd party or in house)? I don't think it makes sense to run 2 different benchmarks at the same time.

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  • Fenixdood
    started a topic Performance Test using inhouse software

    Performance Test using inhouse software


    I am looking for thoughts on my task. I need to Benchmark Computers using inhouse software. I need to gain a control point firstly then I would like to benchmark the system with our software running. Using PT does tend to flood all the resources making my software chug along. So I would like to test my system just using our software and gain performance metrics from both tests. I have tried running passmark and our software for scores, but am curious if anyone has other ideas how to get non synthetic results.