Hi, on your page with benchmark points you have set FX-4100 to 3969 pts, while on my pc with stock cooler and everything stock I have made over 4300+ pts, my FX-4100 is performing better than yours ? It is on default speed of 3,6 Ghz with turbo on 3,8 Ghz. Can you change that benchmark pts on your page, because clearly that proccesor is faster and around 500 difference pts is kinda big to me 
Ive submited my data with name 'Generic AMD FX-4100 Quad Core 3617 BL685260.pt'
and here is another proof : http://i.imgur.com/bcHQe.jpg.
And why is my processor faster than your on benchmark?

Ive submited my data with name 'Generic AMD FX-4100 Quad Core 3617 BL685260.pt'
and here is another proof : http://i.imgur.com/bcHQe.jpg.
And why is my processor faster than your on benchmark?