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New baseline file format. In V8.0

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  • Michael (Passmark)
    There have been a number of new builds since PT8 was released.

    I can't think of anything that would have fixed your problem though. Good to know it's working regardless.

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  • KarlZ
    No issue now.

    Hmm... I uninstalled PerformanceTest 7 and installed 8. Now everything seems to work fine with the exact same files I used several days ago. I guess all is well. No idea what the issue might have been. Was there a new version on the site?

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  • Michael (Passmark)
    PerformanceTest 8 does open old baseline files. Could you be more specific about what was preventing you from opening them? Were they simply not listed in the baseline manager? Did PT give you some kind of error when you tried to open them?

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  • KarlZ
    started a topic New baseline file format. In V8.0

    New baseline file format. In V8.0

    Headline: Can PerformanceTest V8.0 be made to open previous version files (but only save in the new format)?

    I noticed in the post on PerformanceTest V8.0 Beta that a feature listed was, "New baseline file format."
    I use PerformanceTest to compare the performance of different machines over time. Some of these machines I no long have in my possession would like to compare. I got a new machine and was running the test and went to compare, but I could not open up any of my previous .pt files.
