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Formula CPU mark, memory mark and disk mark

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  • #16
    Any other formula used for mobile devices? If so, how it is supposed to compare them?
    Only the CPU and Memory Tests has been standardize across platforms and the CPU Mark and Memory Mark can be compared directly with other PerformanceTests editions. The remaining tests (Disk, 2D and 3D) are not the same on the Mobile vs the Windows release of PerformanceTest and cannot be compared directly.


    • #17
      Passmark Rating = 1 / (((1 / (10185.8 * 0.396566187)) + (1 / (812.1 * 3.178718116)) + (1 / (4411 * 2.525195879)) + (1 / (2546 * 1.757085479)) + (1 / (4968 * 1.668158805)))/5) = 4677.595655

      This is a non-sensical rating and far too biased towards 2D tests. Take for example the following 2 scenarios

      PC 1
      CPU 19,000
      2D 940
      3D 16,000
      Mem 3000
      Disk 20000

      Passmark rating = 7083

      PC 2
      CPU 40,000
      2D 770
      3D 25,000
      Mem 3000
      Disk 20000

      Passmark rating = 7070

      Can't tell me PC2 is not an overwhelmingly better PC than PC1 in any objective measure.​


      • #18
        I don't think you did the calculation correctly. I got 7024 for PC1 using the PT10 formula.

        But the algorithm for the overall machine's rating (the PassMark rating) doesn't let one super fast component dominate the result. And conversely one super weak component can hold back the whole machine. It favours balanced machines.

        So a score of 40,000 for the CPUMark is something around 4x a typical average CPU (sold over the last few years). But a 2DMark score of 770 is probably around the average for run of the mill machine. Big part of the problem is that hardware vendors haven't improved the 2D performance very much at all of the last 15 years. But CPUs and 3D performance has increased a lot.
        I agree at some point we'll need to rebalance it.


        • #19
          Hi, Tim,
          I couldn't get the CPU Mark value by substituting the values with the following formula:

          CPU Mark = 1 / AVERAGE ( test values ) * 1.65
          Overall CPU mark is scaled up to be closer to PT9 result

          1 / ( 0.149001983 * CPU Integer Math)
          1 / ( 0.271311984 * CPU - Floating Point Math)
          1 / ( 296.1871085 * CPU - Prime Numbers)
          1 / (0.758484696 * CPU - Extended Instructions (SSE))
          1 / (0.034970332 * CPU - Compression)
          1 / (0.8766779 * CPU - Encryption)
          1 / (17.81818182 * CPU - Physics)
          1 / (0.392310713 * CPU - Sorting)
          1 / (4.908772082 * CPU - Single Threaded)

          Below are my ​results getting from running the test on chromebook with Android app PerformanceTest Mobile V10:
          w x 1 / (W * X)
          CPU Test (Multi-thread)   2149
          Integer Math 0.149001983 7173 0.000935636
          Floating Point Math 0.271311984 3973 0.00092771
          FindPrime Numbers 296.1871085 8.9 0.000379353
          Random String Sorting 0.392310713 3971 0.000641904
          Data Encryption 0.8766779 1383 0.000824779
          Data Compression 0.034970332 28.5 1.003356768
          Physics 17.81818182 181 0.000310069
          Extended Instructions 0.758484696 740 0.001781646
          Single Thread (MOps/Sec) 4.908772082 1533 0.000132888
          Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2023-04-25 3.54.30 PM.png
Views:	776
Size:	88.5 KB
ID:	54933

          CPUMark = 2149
          As manual calculation, CPU Mark = 1 / AVERAGE( 1 / (W * X))) * 1.65 = 14.71330232
          The scaler​: ​​​​2149/14.71330232 = 146.0583051

          How to How to estimate the correct CPU Mark?
          Is the scaler a fixed value? or depend on different values produced by different devices?

          Attached Files


          • #20
            Data compression is displayed slightly differently in the mobile version (MBytes , while PT windows displays Kbytes).

            Changing your data compression value to =8.5 * 1024 should result in the correct calculation (any discrepancy to what is displayed should then just be a rounding issue from not using the exact values and only be out slightly).


            • #21
              Hi, Tim,
              Thanks a lot for your help. Appreciate your effort in showing me the calculation in such a clear way.


              • #22
                For version 11, the updated numbers are:

                Passmark Rating = 1 / (((1 / (CPU Mark * 0.33)) + (1 / (2D Mark * 50)) + (1 / (3D Mark * 0.5)) + (1 / (Memory Mark * 1.92)) + (1 / (Disk Mark * 0.37)))/5)
                Rebalanced to make 2D have less of an impact on overall score

                CPU Mark = 1 / AVERAGE ( test values ) * 1.65
                1 / (0.149001983 * CPU Integer Math)
                1 / (0.271311984 * CPU - Floating Point Math)
                1 / (296.1871085 * CPU - Prime Numbers)
                1 / (0.758484696 * CPU - Extended Instructions (SSE))
                1 / (0.034970332 * CPU - Compression)
                1 / (0.8766779 * CPU - Encryption)
                1 / (17.81818182 * CPU - Physics)
                1 / (0.392310713 * CPU - Sorting)
                1 / (4.908772082 * CPU - Single Threaded)

                2D Graphics Mark = 1 / AVERAGE ( test values )

                1 / (60.25393099 * Graphics 2D - Simple Vectors)
                1 / (3.649649659 * Graphics 2D - Fonts and Text)
                1 / (15.78231555 * Graphics 2D - Windows Interface)
                1 / (0.463690633 * Graphics 2D - Image Filters)
                1 / (4.196513 * Graphics 2D - Image Rendering)
                1 / (15.80278134 * Graphics 2D - Direct 2D)
                1 / (16.39344251 * Graphics 2D - PDF Rendering)
                1 / (13 * Graphics 2D - Direct 2D - SVG)

                3D Graphics Mark = 1 / AVERAGE (test values) * 2.35

                If no DX10 then 40% penalty is applied, if no DX11/DX12 a 20% penalty is applied
                1 / (28.77991307 * Graphics 3D - DirectX 9 Complex)
                1 / (88 * Graphics 3D - DirectX 10)
                1 / (60 * Graphics 3D - DirectX 11)
                1 / (95.96088498 * Graphics 3D - DirectX 12)
                1 / (1.093968291 * Graphics 3D - DirectCompute)

                Memory Mark = 1 / AVERAGE (test values)

                1 / (2.5 * Memory - Database Operations)
                1 / (0.077817619 * Memory - Read Cached)
                1 / (0.171576582 * Memory - Read Uncached)
                1 / (0.282054375 * Memory - Write)
                1 / (0.44326614 * Memory - Available RAM)
                1 / (48454.32714 * (1 / Memory - Latency))
                1 / (0.126149451 * Memory - Threaded)

                Disk Mark = test value * 12

                Disk mark is a straight average unlike the inverse averages used for the other tests
                (Sequential Read + Sequential Write + IOPS 32KQD20 + IOPS 4KQD1) / 4

