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Pass mark compare graphs (before/after and between machines)

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  • Pass mark compare graphs (before/after and between machines)


    Just downloaded the latest version of Passmark v10 (Own Passmark 8 and earlier)

    Noted that the graph compare option doesn't look to be present in v10 (see attached v8 screen shot of my old and new system)

    This graph picture is great for quickly comparing changes to system

    Am I missing something?


    Attached Files

  • #2
    It is still there. You need to click on a button. See screen shot below.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Graph.png
Views:	338
Size:	50.5 KB
ID:	47605


    • #3
      Hi David

      I eventually saw that after some playing but its not very all in-compassing. Feels like a step back on reporting from my point of view.

      Version 8 (and below) was much better for providing a summary of everything quickly, and then a single click on a tab to see everything at once within a category.

      So how did I get here? - I've been playing with O/Cing a I5-9600k for the last 2 days. Which brought me to thinking about buying a new version of Performance Test. Hopped on the website and pull'ed down V10 trial and attempted to use it.

      I've been messing with machine EFI bios settings, Running Performance Test to comparing differences between multiple test, and then repeating this may be 50 times

      Gave up for most of my unit testing and went back to my v8 for the most of the testing for the following main reasons:
      1. There was just too much clicking involved to get a full picture. about 39 clicks vrs just 5 for the same information for v8!
      2. (solved) Kept loading default set of test cases. Had to go into go into baseline every time I started the software to deselect them. Was driving me nutts but thank god of the setting to turn this off via Auto Load baseline settting
      3. No longer any +/- different % between 3 or more tests. How much better was test 1, than test 2, than test 3, etc...
      4. Doesn't allow you to see the comparison results between multiple tests the most recent tests which are running. IE. When testing EFI Bios changes, If I saw that the Tests in the CPU category were all subpar, then I would cancel the test and attempt different tweaks before re-running passmark.
      5. Some tests fail with no "Hey something failed" alert. Physics test is one which was failing which I didn't catch on until looking at some historical tests. Think Hw Monitor was causing a conflict as.
      Aside: I do like the v10 ability to run the individual category tasks off the screen directly verse drop down menu (is quicker)

      Below is from Performance Test v8 with 2 previous tests pre-loaded, with the current test running for CPU Catagory. Right away, you can see that I screwed up something with "CPU Integer math" and you'll also see the % different against the running tests against the previous test. Additionally once all tests are complete, I can click the different tabs and quickly see a over view of whats different. It was so beautiful which provided quantitative feed back for changes!

      Click image for larger version

Name:	2020-05-07-V8-RunningCpu_With_Percent_and_allCatagory.PNG
Views:	431
Size:	101.1 KB
ID:	47618

      Thinking back, this is most likely why I didn't buy version 9, and most likely why I wont buy version 10. Version 8 was awesome and was very functional

      Hopefully with version 11, there will be some consideration to bring back some of the older one click methods of displaying results between the different tests and across different snap shots.

      Aside: I've been buying Pass mark and sometimes Burn in (going back since 2011 according to my email history - but suspect longer).

      Wondering if you can direct me to the correct place to put in a request to bring back some of the v8 summary and category result reporting so I can again throw more money at Passmark

      Thank you for the reply

      Sincerely Paul


      • #4
        There is an option for percentages in the Edit / Preferences window.
        Then you get this.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	percentages.png
Views:	377
Size:	7.0 KB
ID:	47628

        > just too much clicking involved to get a full picture. about 39 clicks vrs just 5 for the same information for v8

        Yes, there are more clicks if you want to compare each individual result.
        But there is a lot less scrolling up and down. So number of user interactions is around the same if you are comparing a long list of results. (but yes, mouse wheel scrolling is maybe quicker than clicking)

        > Doesn't allow you to see the comparison results between multiple tests the most recent tests which are running.

        Yes it does. You just need to maximize the window size before running the tests (and have a reasonable monitor with reasonable resolution)

        > Some tests fail with no "Hey something failed" alert.

        We are not aware of any failure of the Physics test for any reason. How much RAM is in the system (as this test does use a fair amount of RAM).

        It would be a significant overhaul of the UI to go back to having multiple graphs on one very long page.

