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Unable to get only throughput write results

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  • Unable to get only throughput write results

    we want to automatically run just the Advanced Drive Write Throughput test the same as if we were to run it via the gui
    We have the following ptscript set up but the results it's giving us seem quite different from the UI driven run
    ADT_ADDTHREAD C 1048576 512 CACHED SYNCH 0 100 0 0 0 0
    ADT_SETEXPORT HTML C:\export.html
    ADT_RUNTESTS 60 1000
    Can you advise us what the exact parameters we would need to kick off this specific test would be or if there is a different command we should be using, please?

  • #2
    Just to be clear you aren't confusing the Advanced Disk Test scripting commands (Advanced menu -> Disk -> Advanced Disk Test) with the Drive Performance "Throughput Write" test as there are no scripting commands for the Drive Performance Tests.

    There is an issue with your script where the ADT_SETEXPORT command is missing a setting (Graph Type) so the results aren't getting written to disk (if there were previous results written to the same file it likely isn't overwriting them) so it should be something like this;

    ADT_SETEXPORT HTML SVT C:\export.html
    You can also check the results of your export as the results from tests run via script should be available when you click the "Graphing" button on the Advanced Disk Test dialog.


    • #3
      We have made changes to the script above to try and make the output of the advanced disk test more or less the same or similar to the output of the throughput write test in the advanced drive performance test section. Also, could you let us know what the difference is between the advanced disk tests and the advanced drive performance tests as we want to know whether it would be possible to replicate the results of the throughtput write tests in the advanced drive performance test section in a script so we can use it for automated testing, as when we ran the script below and compared the results with the advanced drive performance throughput write test the results looked basically Identical (based off the graphs created from both tests) with the peaks and troughs looking very similar on the graph and the mb/s being similar sometimes within .70 mb/s of each other. The script we are now using is:

      ADT_ADDTHREAD C 1048576 1048576 UNCACHED ASYNCH 1 100 0 100 0 0
      ADT_SETEXPORT HTML ASVT C:\test\export-asvt.html
      ADT_RUNTESTS 60 250

      we use this powershell command to start executing the script:
      & 'C:\Program Files\PerformanceTest>PerformanceTest64.exe /DontGatherGraphics /DontGatherUSB /DontGatherDisk /DontGatherSMART /DontGatherMemory /DontGatherMemorySPD /DontGatherWMI /DontGatherSMBIOS /DontGatherTemperature /SAFEMODE' /s "c:\test\pm.ptscript"

      Another addition we want to be able to do is be able to run the script without the performancetest GUI automatically being displayed but still having the test being run (headless mode). Is this possible, if so what commands would we need to use for this and where would we need to implement them ?
      Last edited by TomG; Dec-01-2020, 10:46 AM.


      • #4
        Ok yes fundamentally the Advanced Drive Performance tests are pre configured advanced disk tests (they share the same underlying code) and using this script line should match the drive performance throughput write pretty well (though using the SVT option for the graph export would likely produce a closer graph to the drive performance graph).

        We'll look at adding the matching scripting ADT_ADDTHREAD commands to the help page for the drive performance tests.

        Another addition we want to be able to do is be able to run the script without the performancetest GUI automatically being displayed but still having the test being run (headless mode).
        No it isn't possible to run PerformanceTest without the GUI being displayed.

