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Partial Scores Calc

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  • Partial Scores Calc

    Hi there!

    We use PerformanceTest for years now, since version 5. Usually for Servers benchmarks.

    Servers "never" had a good 3D Graphics Cards. It has to be fast in processing, disk I/O and memory I/O. For this reason we usually make partial benchmarks: CPU, Memory, Disk and 2D marks, leaving 3D Mark out of party. I know 2D Mark is almost useless for Servers too, but we started to mark it and kept in this way.

    We used to compare the partial scores and we were happy

    But PerformanceTest v10 arrived, and it changed everything. I know the benchmark changes be very important and v10 brings new and modern technologies/features. I have read about the changes, formulas and math. I found really good stuff here at forum.

    My problem: "Full" PerformanceTest Scores from v9 to v10 are sort of compatibles, so no big deal here. But our Partial Scores for Servers were severely impacted.

    Let me show a sample with same server with v9 and v10 benchmarks:

    Version Score CPU 2D 3D Memory Disk
    V9 2252 9610 -- -- 2422 1194
    V10 2122 7190 -- -- 2508 1241

    Very nice and compatible, but when we run 2D Mark:

    Version Score CPU 2D 3D Memory Disk
    V9 3668 9610 864 -- 2422 1194
    V10 361 7190 24 -- 2508 1241

    Useless Partial Score in v10...

    I don't want to lose my V9 (with 2D Mark) history scores and I want to move onto V10. I already know the formula for full score, have seen it here in forum. But you guys use some different weight for Partial Scores. I didn't figure out how you made it, but here two samples:

    Version Score CPU 2D 3D Memory Disk
    V9 2858 9610 -- -- -- --
    V9 3016 9610 -- -- 2422 --
    V9 2252 9610 -- -- 2422 2422
    V9 3668 9610 864 -- 2422 2422

    Version Score CPU 2D 3D Memory Disk
    V10 2138 7190 -- -- -- --
    V10 2597 7190 -- -- 2508 --
    V10 2122 7190 -- -- 2508 1241
    V10 361 7190 24 -- 2508 1241

    Partial Score evolution in V9 and V10 benchmark. Each new mark, changes the Score... obviously...

    So I wonder, If I had the correct weight and formula for partial results I could calculate the old V9 Partial Score without 2D Mark and make it compatible with V10 partial results. Then I can move on, new Servers using only CPU, Memory and Disk and calculate the old ones using same base: CPU, Memory and Disk.

    Can someone kindly help me?

    Thanks in advanced!


  • #2
    There were numerous changes to the CPU, 2D and 3D tests in V10 and while we tried to scale the results where possible to keep them close between versions the use of some new technologies meant this isn't possible in some situations (particularly for the 2D tests on older versions of Windows) and the scores are not directly comparable.

    There is an FAQ here the details most of the changes. Calculation of the PassMark rating using the individual test scores is outlined in this forum post.


    • #3
      Hi Tim! I appreciate very much the time you and Passmark team spend answering our crazy questions. It brings a lot of value to product.

      I have read and made tests in a Excel spreadsheet using the formula you and Richard published in #5 and #6 of post:

      Passmark Rating = 1 / (((1 / (CPU Mark * 0.396566187)) + (1 / (2D Mark * 3.178718116)) + (1 / (3D Mark * 2.525195879)) + (1 / (Memory Mark * 1.757085479)) + (1 / (Disk Mark * 1.668158805)))/5)

      It works perfectly, if I input with all five values: CPU, 2D, 3D, Memory and Disk marks I get the correct PassMark Rating exactly like software do.

      But if I input only CPU, Memory and Disk marks I got a different number of Partial PassMark Rating that software calculates.

      For example:

      CPU = 7190
      Memory = 2508
      Disk = 1241
      PassMark Rating should be = 2122 (this is the V10 partial results)

      But I can't get this rating in Excel spreadsheet.

      If I put 0 in 2D and 3D scores, I get division by zero error, what make sense...

      If I remove (1 / (2D Mark * 3.178718116)) + (1 / (3D Mark * 2.525195879)) from formula and divide by 3 instead 5, because I have only three elements I get 2828 score not 2122.

      What i'm missing and doing wrong?

      Thank you for support.



      • #4
        Hi, sorry there is a penalty added when all the tests we're complete that wasn't listed in the other formula (based on calculating complete scores).

        The penalty used is 0.15 for each complete section, so for the above you would take the mark score and multiply it by 0.45. Continue to dived by 5 (using 0 values for 2D and 3D) and then apply the penalty value, so in this case 1 / ((......) / 5) = 4714 * 0.45 = 2121.

