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PerformanceTest V11 Beta Release

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  • PerformanceTest V11 Beta Release

    PerformanceTest V11 has now been released.

    Download link: PerformanceTest V11 x86

    Download link:PerformanceTest V11 ARM

    Please contact us to report any issues found in these builds.

    Complete release history.

    What's new

    Score Rebalancing
    • Rebalanced PassMark rating calculation to lower the influence of 2D while trying to maintain a similar PassMark rating for an "Average" system
    • 3D Mark value calculation updated to take into account lower DirectX DX10/11 frames rates so 3D mark value is still comparable to V10
    • Disk Mark value calculation changed slightly to take into account higher possible sequential read/write test scores. The mark will remain similar to V10 but will likely be slightly higher on newer drives and lower on older drives
    • Baselines from older versions of PerformanceTest will have their DX10 & DX11 results scaled down when displayed
    • Baselines from older versions of PerformanceTest will have their PassMark rating re-calculated when displayed
    New Advanced Database Benchmark
    • Added new advanced database benchmark to test local and remote databases (SQLite, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server). This runs a standardised test allowing both the comparison of the relative performance of different Database software and different comparison of different hardware / cloud platforms. The following databases are currently supported.
      • MySQL 5.6/5.6/8.0
      • MS SQL Server 2019
      • PostgreSQL v15.1
      • MariaDB v10​
    • Results can be optionally uploaded to our web site and saved in a baseline. Once we have sufficient data we'll start to publish some public DB benchmark comparison data.
    Disk Tests
    • Increased block size for sequential read/write tests from 32KB to 128KB, this should lead to faster results for newer drives. Disk mark was rebalanced slightly so the mark will remain similar but will likely be slightly higher on newer drives and lower on older drives
    3D Tests
    • DX10 test, increased object count during test to 50 Islands, 250 Meteors which will results in a lower frame rate compared to V10
    • DX11 test, increased object count during test to 200 jellyfish which will results in a lower frame rate compared to V10
    • DX12 test, added a frame limit on the "warp" effect at start to try and prevent a "grid" being displayed on NVidia cards
    CPU Tests
    • Added MatrixMultiply NEON test for ARM CPUs run during the SSE tests
    • Added a second page to the CPU test tiles, navigable with UP and DOWN arrows
    • Moved Cross-Platform Mark and Gaming Score to second page
    • Added Gaming Score ( as a tile to the CPU results, similar to Cross-Platform mark this is an aggregate of other tests
    Advanced AI CPU Tests
    • Added DNN based face detection test
    Advanced Disk Test
    • Added new "Marketing Performance" section with two sets of tests that matches/lines up with CrystalMark Peak Performance profile settings. A Read/Write of Sequential 1MB Block Size Queue 8 and moved Read/Write Random 4K Queue 32 to this section.
    • User can specify number of iterations per test and choose to keep new or the best result
    • Added collected temperature measurements to the Export TAB/CSV/HTML results after running test
    • Adjusted resizing of test window
    • Fixed bug where latency was not calculated properly
    Advanced Internet Speed Test
    • Adding manual calculation (SumRTT/CountRTT) of Avg Latency if "SmoothedRTT" is not set
    Advanced Memory Test
    • Added a section on the main dialog to display the Latency test result instead of a pop up message box
    • Fixed some controls not being enabled/disabled correctly
    Advanced Network Test
    • Added option for multiple simultaneous network tests from the same PerformanceTest client
    • Allow uploading of Advanced Network Test results to user's account (i.e. with API Key)
    Advanced GPU Compute Test
    • Added new tests for single precision FP (FP32), double precision FP (FP64), integer, fast integer, device memory read and write
    Manage Baselines
    • Users can Right-Click the column header in the baseline listview to select the fields they wish to displayed
    • Added tooltip to Header Row to display results units (e.g. MOps/Sec) for the tests result column
    • Added "Move Up/Move Down" right-click buttons to the Manage Baselines Currently Selected tab to allow display order to be chosen
    User Interface
    • Added tooltip to baseline number containing system information
    • Added extended tooltip information with individual results for tests that run a number of sub tests
    • Updated 3D models being used, added different models for HDD/SSD/NVme/USB
    • Added ARM CPU model
    • Video card colour will change to represent specific manufacturer
    • Check for current power mode on laptops and warn user (works on Windows 10 v1809 and beyond).
      Warning message pop up condition is:
      On battery: Win 10 & 11 - If not on the Best performance mode.
      Plugged in: Win 11 - If not on Balanced or Best performance mode.
      Win 10 - If not on Better performance or Best performance mode.
    • Added a check if the DirectIO driver failed to load when collecting temperatures to try and prevent an error box being displayed each time there was a temperature sample
    • Added a more informative error message when trying to use a key from a newer version of PT than the current one
    Baseline Files
    • Added subtest results for tests to baseline ( SSE (CPU), encryption (CPU), single threaded (CPU), cross-platform (CPU), image filters (2D), direct 2D (2D) )
    • Added effective power mode​​​​​
    Beta 2
    • Fixed possible issue on certain Ryzen systems where they cannot reboot after running PerformanceTest
    Beta 3
    • Added new "Direct Storage GPU Read" test utilizing Microsoft's DirectStorage API. This test is designed to measure the performance of direct file reads from disk to the GPU and is optimized for accessing from NVme SSD's.
    • Fixed crash when closing Advanced Drive Performance window before test was complete.
    • Fixed possible crash on startup if PerformanceTest fails to create Main 3D GUI.
    Beta 4
    • Added missing DLLs to installer. (freeglut.dll, glew64.dll).
    • Nvidia TCC GPUs should now be selectable for the Particles Test and the new Advanced GPU Compute Tests (single precision FP (FP32), double precision FP (FP64), integer, fast integer, device memory read and write).
    • NBody Gravity Advanced GPU Test now uses OpenCL (instead of DirectCompute).
    Last edited by Tim (PassMark); May-01-2023, 09:45 PM.

  • #2
    A screen shot from the new database benchmark test window.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	MySQL_5.png
Views:	15222
Size:	70.5 KB
ID:	54408


    • #3
      Thank you for this information.

