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How to load old result in passmark?

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  • How to load old result in passmark?

    save"baseline" -> close program -> open program -> load baseline
    but none of the numbers are loaded, I wanted to make a screenshot of the old results, how do?.

  • #2
    You need to use the Baselines -> Manage Baselines window to select which baselines are loaded.

    Then select the baseline bar chart display mode. See below.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	BarChartBaselines.png
Views:	360
Size:	30.2 KB
ID:	55119


    • #3
      I meant load it as the main results, not as part of comp​arison background lines
      Click image for larger version

Name:	1.png
Views:	319
Size:	290.2 KB
ID:	55149


      • #4
        Only the current test run is shown in the left navigation menu.

        We thought about v-sync for the 3D interface (to match the FPS frame rate with monitors refresh rate), but we decided it is benchmark software, so we made the decision not to limit the frame rate.
        Think of it as a mini automatically run benchmark. It stops when you move to a different tab however, so doesn't run in background.


        • #5
          Well would be nice to have an option to actually load the results properly, not as background but as 'just run', to be able to compare it and click all the buttons relative to it.


          • #6
            Could be a bit confusing if it was an older result. e.g. from years ago, or from a different machine.

            The system information (CPU model, SSD model, etc..) might have all changed in the time since the last benchmark was run.

