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Higher-end GPU is being outperformed in some tests. Potential issue with the card?

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  • Higher-end GPU is being outperformed in some tests. Potential issue with the card?

    A friend is offering me his old GTX 1080 as an upgrade to my 1070 for a reasonable price. We both tested our cards in our own builds using PerformanceTest 11.0. However, the 1070 scored quite close to the 1080, and even outperformed it in a few tests, from what I can understand. Could this be indicative of an issue with the card or is this normal? I thought the 1080 would outperform the 1070 in every way.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	1070build.jpg
Views:	185
Size:	145.1 KB
ID:	56039
    Click image for larger version

Name:	1080build.jpg
Views:	132
Size:	100.6 KB
ID:	56040

    Here's what I know:
    • My friend's system runs a Ryzen 7 3700X; mine runs an i5-8600.
    • My friend's system has more RAM (32GB vs 16GB)
    • Both systems are running Windows 10.
    • Both systems are running the latest Nvidia drivers.
    • Neither systems are overclocked.
    Also, if anyone else has a GTX 1080, I'm curious to see how it stacks up running stock clocks.

  • #2
    The cards aren't hugely difference in performance. So it is relatively easy for CPU performance, cooling, driver settings, monitors, etc.. to make the difference.
    In preferences there is an option to run the test several times and take the max value. So you could try that.

    The 1080 is the faster card on average, with all else being equal.

    From the two graphs your posted, the 1070 is performing slightly above the expected average on the run you did. While the 1080 is slightly below average.

