A friend is offering me his old GTX 1080 as an upgrade to my 1070 for a reasonable price. We both tested our cards in our own builds using PerformanceTest 11.0. However, the 1070 scored quite close to the 1080, and even outperformed it in a few tests, from what I can understand. Could this be indicative of an issue with the card or is this normal? I thought the 1080 would outperform the 1070 in every way.

Here's what I know:
Here's what I know:
- My friend's system runs a Ryzen 7 3700X; mine runs an i5-8600.
- My friend's system has more RAM (32GB vs 16GB)
- Both systems are running Windows 10.
- Both systems are running the latest Nvidia drivers.
- Neither systems are overclocked.