Hi, let me start by saying how much I enjoy Passmark Performance Test. Actually a little too much. It has become an obsession to me to squeeze every ounce of performance out of my first completely home built system. Belwo you can see my progression as I've tweaked and tweaked to improve my score. However this latest issue has me stumped. As you can see I have an ATI x850 card. I was running the drivers from the box originally and just updated them with the latest from ATI. While this bumped my 3D score it devestated my 2D score, especially rectangles. Rectangles! I'm torn now about going back to the original drivers or suffering slow rectangles forever! 
Any suggestions from the experts out there will be appreciated and swiftly put into action!
PS I wasn going to opst a graphic of the comparative results but dont see I can attach a graphic or image?

Any suggestions from the experts out there will be appreciated and swiftly put into action!
PS I wasn going to opst a graphic of the comparative results but dont see I can attach a graphic or image?