The CPU is is actually pretty good. Your machine is being held back by the woeful on-board graphics performance.
If you are planning to spend any money on this machine upgrade the graphics card (unless you are using it as a server, without a screen).
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core 2 duo 6300 low result 589!
core 2 duo 6300 low result 589!
Just ran the test and received this score, is this a good score for this system? I thought it would be higher on a dual core machine?
core 2 duo e6300
asrock conroe 945g dvi board
2gb ram
80gb sata hdd
onboard graphics
Test NameThis ComputerCPU - Integer Math169.96CPU - Floating Point Math458.42CPU - Find Prime Numbers275.57CPU - SSE/3DNow!4275.61CPU - Compression4377.35CPU - Encryption26.22CPU - Image Rotation876.46CPU - String Sorting2301.68Graphics 2D - Lines95.44Graphics 2D - Rectangles75.80Graphics 2D - Shapes29.61Graphics 2D - Fonts and Text134.07Graphics 2D - GUI172.88Graphics 3D - Simple463.59Graphics 3D - Medium69.59Graphics 3D - Complex10.06Memory - Allocate Small Block1781.12Memory - Read Cached1443.19Memory - Read Uncached1356.22Memory - Write1326.13Memory - Large RAM524.26Disk - Sequential Read67.31Disk - Sequential Write68.38Disk - Random Seek + RW2.63CD - Read2.97CPU Mark1113.472D Graphics Mark355.72Memory Mark475.44Disk Mark500.25CD Mark363.353D Graphics Mark173.85PassMark Rating589.63
System information - This Computer
CPU Manufacturer:GenuineIntel
Number of CPU: 1 (2 Core(s)/CPU, 1 Logical(s)/Core)
CPU Type: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6300 @ 1.86GHz
CPU Speed: 1861.4 MHz
Cache size: 2048KB
O/S: Windows XP
Total RAM:2138288128 Bytes
Available RAM:1696055296 Bytes
Video settings: 1024x768x32
Video driver
Intel(R) 82945G Express Chipset Family
Intel(R) 82945G Express Chipset Family
Hardware Version 0.0
Drive Letter: C
Total Disk Space: 76.3 GBytes
Cluster Size: 4 KBytes
File system:NTFSTags: None
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