it's been great, i've made a few additions as far as hard drives and fans thats it. and now i have this error. it started in dos after i added my 3rd fan, it still gets hot at times... something is wrong with your hard drive, something changed put it back by going to bios and changing it. it might be bad it might not be. push f1 to continute or f2 to go to bios.
well dell doesn't let anyone do anything. so i just continue thankfully it allows me 2
well after using multiple monitor softwares. I've come to about a 0000.05 to 0000.15 increase in freaquience ranges above the normal after installation of fans. which was less before this error.
yea, some perfomance perks from a dell woohoo! it's noticable as well.
More to the point... since then performance test has refused to run citing, clock speed changes. Is this normal? I've tried re-installing. but no results..
help, i love your program and wish i could see if there are any diffrences when i make changes. even little ones
