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picture not viewable under html report

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  • Tim (PassMark)
    This is hard coded and can not be removed via the template. You can hide the image as such by replacing it with a 1x1 white or grey gif image or replacing it in the images folder with your own image.

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  • ismee
    i change the ProjectTemplate.html, insert <img src="<!--TL_IMAGEPATH-->/ven.gif"> which is my company logo.
    but after generate report, yes, my logo appeared BUT,the ttlogo.gif (passmark logo) ia at the top. i need to remove this.
    then i only found this tllogo.gif under my report html, not template.
    where you guys insert it?then make it appeared every generated report.
    <table class=TLHeader width=100%><tr class=TLHeader><td width = 15%><img src="./images/tllogo.gif"></td><td class=TLHeader valign="top">Location: &raquo; HMI 114</td></tr></table></div>
    I hope you understand it.

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  • Tim (PassMark)
    I'm not quite sure what you are asking in your last post.

    If you add your image to the images directory where TestLog is installed you can then reference it in the template files by the using the <!--TL_IMAGEPATH--> tag. This tag will be replaced with the location of the image page when being viewed in TestLog and when a project is exported.

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  • ismee
    oh..i found the way,open using IE,view source then inside notepad,edit it.
    but i still can't find any line on "tllogo", when generate report,its too obvious on the top.

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  • Tim (PassMark)
    Can you post the a few lines of what you have changed?

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  • ismee
    am i do in correct way?TimR , i really needs help on edit HTML.
    right click the template>edit>view>HTML source, then i paste the code u give under after "head"...but after save and close.the templace icon change.then the allignment also changed when i open test log.

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  • Tim (PassMark)
    If you place you images in the images folder where TestLog is installed you can add references to the images there by using the <!--TL_IMAGEPATH--> tag.

    Eg if you edit ProjectTemplate.html you can add images in using <img src="<!--TL_IMAGEPATH-->/imagename">.

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  • ismee
    ok.i saw the tllogo.gif location.
    how to make it store in template?
    so everytime i generate report,my picture ,for heading,title or what ever will show.

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  • Tim (PassMark)
    This is probably because the link is to a specific location on your computer and not a relative link. You will need to copy the image into the directory with the web export, there should be an images directory which you can put it in, and change the link to the image to reference the new location as a relative link (look at the other image links in the exported test case for an example).

    The best way of making pictures universally viewable, in TestLog, HTML exported project and the web version of TestLog, is to store them on a web server and link to image in the test case in the form http://webserver/imagelocation_name. This means the picture can be viewed from any location with internet access.

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  • ismee
    started a topic picture not viewable under html report

    picture not viewable under html report

    I insert picture (from my D: drive) to test cases describtion.
    But after export it to web, as html file and send to others.
    they can't view those pictures.