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Web Export Not exporting Reports correctly

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  • Web Export Not exporting Reports correctly

    Hi all,

    I'm having trouble with the export project to web feature. Everything seems to work fine except for the reports.

    The status reports HTML pages (all 4 of them) are attaching extra directoies to the individual report links. It's attaching "Projects\PROJECTNAME\Project Reports\Status Reports" where those extra directoies shouldn't be there.

    Anyone have any thoughts?


  • #2
    Forgot my feature request!

    Forgot to add my feature request!

    Can it be added so when a user has the root Test Cases folder selected for a project Filters are selectable, and if a filer is selected it shows all testcases matching that filter regardless of their Test Suite parent? And if no filter is selected it simply displays the test suites like normal?

    Hopefully it could be possible to get this into the next update or soon after, I'm in the process of pitching TestLog to my department and company.



    • #3
      Thanks for reporting the web export problem, this will be fixed in the next release, it's a problem partly caused by encoding the links to change special characters (spaces, %& etc) to the URL equivalents.

      For your feature request, this is something that has been requested before and that we have considered doing in the past, we are planning to do a point release soon so we will look at adding something like this for the filters.

