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Web setup major issues

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  • Tim (PassMark)
    It sounds like the database you are trying to open doesn't have read/write permissions set for the user IIS is running as, check if the database has permissions set for any IIS users/groups like "IIS_WPG" and "Internet Guest Account".
    Last edited by Tim (PassMark); Mar-18-2008, 10:30 PM.

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  • Kamades
    started a topic Web setup major issues

    Web setup major issues


    So if anyone read this before, this was a error on my part. However now I have the following error when attempting to access the database:

    Unable to open session.
    The database path does not exist or cannot be accessed (\\SERVERNAME\testlog\SampleDB\SampleDBTestLogData base.tdb).

    Having read a few similar issues, I've made a new user with permission to this share, extensive permissions throughout the network, and using it as the anon login on the Testlog site.

    Any thoughts, or something obvious missing?

    EDIT THE SECOND: I mis-named the file - fixing that allows me to hit the database. However in a new issue, when I attempt to log in I get the following error:

    There is either no tester with that name or the file cannot be accessed.
    Use the back button on your browser to return to the login screen.

    User does exist, and has read\write remote access permissions.
    Last edited by Kamades; Mar-18-2008, 09:19 PM. Reason: Change in problem