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Problem with Reports in WebAPP

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  • Tim (PassMark)
    Could you please download this debug build,, and see if you still get the CGI error, if the image can't be created there should be a defined error message in this build rather than a CGI error.
    Last edited by Tim (PassMark); Jun-22-2009, 12:01 AM.

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  • spiders
    CGI error

    I am also getting the same CGI Error as mentioned by roelleke. Our config has the the same relative path and the absolute path to the Images directory in the inetpub directory. I've checked the permissions for the folder just in case but I'm still getting the same error.

    Any assistance in getting these reports to work would be much appreciated.

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  • Tim (PassMark)
    IMAGESABS/IMAGESRELneeds to be a directory that the web server is able to serve images from, so for IIS it needs to be located somewhere under the "inetpub\wwwroot\" directory.

    If you have copied the images directory from the TestLog install folder to "ineptub\wwwroot\TestLog\" then you can leave IMAGESREL as it is in your config but you will need to change IMAGESABS to the absoulte path of the directory, eg "C:\ineptub\wwwroot\TestLog\Images\".

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  • roelleke
    started a topic Problem with Reports in WebAPP

    Problem with Reports in WebAPP

    I installed the newest Testlog version on a Windws 2003 Server with IIS6.
    All features are Working fine without the Progress and Status Report.

    I get only this Error Message:

    "CGI Error
    The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers."

    The Url is: PE=progressRoot&TL_PATH=Projects/KBTEST_2_0/Project%20Reports/Progress%20Reports

    My cgiconfig.cfg is:

    #TestLogCgi config file
    #The location of the TestLog directory for images, relative to the base URL of your web server
    #The location of the TestLog directory for images, absolute path (same location as above but absolute)
    :IMAGESABS:C:\Program Files\TestLog\images
    #The location of the TestLog directory for help, relative to the base URL of your web server
    #Temp folder location, used for sesssion files etc
    #Session timeout value in minutes
    #The location of the Templates directory, absolute path
    #You do not need to include the "Templates" part of the path
    :TEMPLATEABS:C:\Program Files\TestLog\
    #The paths to the databases, absolute paths
    #Key Section - Purchased licence keys

    I need some help to make the reports working.
