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Refreshing collapses my Tree

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  • Tim (PassMark)
    It looks like the depth of the tree expansion is causing the problem, there should be a build with a fix available soon.

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  • nsBB
    When I select a test case, the tree view is not preserved. When I select a folder that is more than three-deep (e.g., Test Cases >> Suite >> subSuite >> subSubSuite), the tree view is not preserved. When I select a folder that is three-deep or less, the level and branch selected is preserved. I think I have isolated the behavior thusly.

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  • Tim (PassMark)
    The level and branch you currently have selected in the tree view should be preserved when refreshing, is this not the case for you?

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  • nsBB
    started a topic Refreshing collapses my Tree

    Refreshing collapses my Tree

    Would it be possible to somehow preserve the state of the tree view upon pressing the refresh button so my tree wouldn't collapse and I wouldn't have to drill down to my test suite again?