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page break at every test cases

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  • testlog
    thanks for the guidelines.

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  • Tim (PassMark)
    To add a page break when printing you can add "<p class=pagebreak>" where you want the page break in the template. If it is the test case report you are talking about your need to edit the TestCaseReportTemplate.html.

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  • testlog
    or i could add something at style.css under templates folder?
    please help

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  • testlog
    started a topic page break at every test cases

    page break at every test cases

    i need HTML expert to help me modified the templates
    to make the html report looks tiny.
    a page break at every new heading of test cases.
    i did some research for page break code
    .break { page-break-before: always; }
    content on page 1...
    <h1 class="break">text of Heading 1 on page 2</h1>
    content on page 2...
    <h1 class="break">text of Heading 1 on page 3</h1>
    content on page 3...
    <p class="break">content on top of page 4</p>
    content on page 4...
    </body>but where should i put this into, whcih templates?ProjectTemplate.html?or PrjTestCaseEdit.html?