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Filter Combo Box Not Sorted

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  • alsingm
    3.0 (1026)

    Build 1026 definately fixed this. All filter lists are now sorted properly.

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  • alsingm
    Yep. Version is 3.0 build 1025. I'm running Windows XP Professional Version 2002 SP3. The filter combo box and the filter menu are both
    unsorted. The filter folder is correctly sorted.

    As you can tell by the late reply, this isn't really bothering me. It's
    just curious. I'm not sure what (if anything) I'm doing differently.

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  • Tim (PassMark)
    I can't seem to reproduce the same behaviour (other than the list not being updated on filter creations) are you using the latest version of TestLog (V3.0 Build 1025)? Are you using a non-english version of Windows at all?

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  • alsingm
    Forgot to mention that the filters were all created by clicking the right mouse button on the Filters folder and selecting New Filter and not by using the menu Filter -> Create New Filter.

    After creating the filters I re-named all of them by clicking the right mouse button on them in the Filters folder and selecting Rename.

    I also notice that the Filter menu is not correctly sorted just like the filter combo box. The only place they seem to be sorted properly is in the Filters folder.

    Here are some example filter names that I'm using ...




    Hope that helps with finding the issue.

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  • alsingm
    Still no luck with the refresh button. It isn't critical that I have the filters
    sorted. If there is another way to do the sort let me know. Otherwise, I
    can live with it until there is a fix.


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  • Tim (PassMark)
    The filters combo box isn't being resorted after a new filter is created, if you hit the refresh button next to the combo box it should resort the list, we'll look at forcing a re-sort when adding a new filter for the next release.

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  • alsingm
    started a topic Filter Combo Box Not Sorted

    Filter Combo Box Not Sorted

    I just created 22 filters for various things. When I am in the Filters
    folder all 22 filters are sorted alphabetically as expected. When I
    create reports and select a filter from the combo box in the report
    wizard they are sorted as well. Very good.

    When I use the combo box in the menu bar to filter test case or
    project folders, the filter list is not sorted so nicely. Strange.

    Is there a way to fix this?
