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running a filtered report crashes Testlog

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  • pbrooks
    just sent the files. let me know if they don't come through properly.

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  • Tim (PassMark)
    If you can send the copy of the test case and the filter to timr [at] passmark [dot] com we'll take a look and see if we can reproduce and fix what was causing the crash.

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  • pbrooks
    as for the other part, not being able to view list reports, i re-installed the program and everything is working fine now. not sure what happened there, but it seems to be OK now.

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  • pbrooks
    it looks like it failed in the compare to filter call... I was able to delete and re-type the test case it was breaking on, and everything is working fine now. i have a copy of that test case if you want it... just let me know where to send it to. The filter i am running is to check to see if the Notes 1 field contains a space.

    here are the last few entries in the debug.txt file:

    14-04-2009 22:05:02 ReportBaseClass::CollectStats => Found file: W:\6.0.1_patch_4_-_3_DB\Projects\Pass 3\Project Test Cases\02 ESM\01 General\T001.tlg - Calling GetStatsFromFile
    14-04-2009 22:05:02 TCListReport::GetStatsFromFile => start
    14-04-2009 22:05:02 Filter::Compare => Start
    14-04-2009 22:05:02 Filter::Compare => End 3, didn't pass
    14-04-2009 22:05:02 TCListReport::GetStatsFromFile => Filtered out
    14-04-2009 22:05:02 ReportBaseClass::CollectStats => Found file: W:\6.0.1_patch_4_-_3_DB\Projects\Pass 3\Project Test Cases\02 ESM\01 General\T002.tlg - Calling GetStatsFromFile
    14-04-2009 22:05:02 TCListReport::GetStatsFromFile => start
    14-04-2009 22:05:02 Filter::Compare => Start

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  • Tim (PassMark)
    Running TestLog with the command line parameter /debug will create a debug log in Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\PassMark\TestLog (for XP) or ProgramData\Passmark\TestLog (for Vista). If you can send us a copy of the log we should be able to narrow down which area the crash is happening in.

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  • pbrooks
    I also can no longer view list reports in the client app. i think this is a side effect of the broken reports, but i'm not positive.

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  • pbrooks
    started a topic running a filtered report crashes Testlog

    running a filtered report crashes Testlog

    I'm not sure what is going on here... when i run a report with a custom filter (one in particular), testlog crashes mid-way through running the report.

    how do i run testlog in Debug mode so i can view the output log files and get more information about this crash? i'm guessing there's something corrupt with one of my test case files, so hopefully this will be an easy fix, i just don't know where to start looking.
