The following happened during '[...] Edititing of Expected Results
Title: Server Busy
Text: This action cannot be completed because the "TestLog V3.0 Evaluation version [C:\db\test]" program is not resonding. Choose "Switch To" and correct the problem.
Icon: !
Buttons: Switch To... , Retry
Button Greyed: Cancel
To Reproduce:
1. Select Test Description....
2. Cut all Text from Test Description....
3. Select the Expected Results [...] button
4. Attempt a Paste either with CTRL-V or from the menu
5. BOOM the above Dialog appears! The only way out is kill the testloghtml.exe
Title: Server Busy
Text: This action cannot be completed because the "TestLog V3.0 Evaluation version [C:\db\test]" program is not resonding. Choose "Switch To" and correct the problem.
Icon: !
Buttons: Switch To... , Retry
Button Greyed: Cancel
To Reproduce:
1. Select Test Description....
2. Cut all Text from Test Description....
3. Select the Expected Results [...] button
4. Attempt a Paste either with CTRL-V or from the menu
5. BOOM the above Dialog appears! The only way out is kill the testloghtml.exe