I checked and the -k option and it does not delete the files during the test, but does on ending the test. We will change this in a future version of BurnInTest.
You will need to use -KA for now, or -K and don't stop the tests and investigate the test files while the test is running.
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How to keep test data when error occurred?
How to keep test data when error occurred?
Dear PassMark Support Forums
I run burnintest on a usb flash drive with setting command -k and auto stop ,
but I can't see any testdata left when encountered a Verification error.
So I try command -KA , but it will become sleeping state when testdata volume reach the capability of the drive.
How can I keep testdata when error occurred in unknown round?
Is there any setting missing or need other command?
Best Regards,
RakoTags: None
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