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Setting the BIT Certificate temperature graph time range

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  • Setting the BIT Certificate temperature graph time range

    It seems that the snapshot of the temperature graph used by the BIT certificate at the end of a test uses whatever zoom setting has been manually set. Is there a way of making the certificate always choose a timespan of the whole test ?

  • #2
    Might not always make sense. 72 hour test with 1 sample per second would generate 259,200 samples, but if the report only has 200 pixels in width for the graph we would still not be able to graph 99.93% of the data. What makes more sense, the complete set of the last 200 readings or a sample of 0.07% of the data from the entire test run?


    • #3
      Could the solution be to have a couple of selections, one of which is "whole timeline" ? My interest is because the PCs are fanless, so I am wanting to capture the temperature rise and then plateau on a test run over several hours.


      • #4
        We'll have a look at graph changes for the next major release. But I think there is a quick solution.
        You can change the temperature sampling rate from the preferences windows. If you know you are going to run the test for 2 hours. Change the sample rate to 60 seconds. Then you will have 120 samples and they will all fit on the graph. (exact best sample interval value will depend on a few factors, but you get the idea).


        • #5
          I don't think I understand the "200 pixels width" and scaling. I changed the samples to every 60 seconds, and zoomed the graph to the maximum and ran the test for 2 hours... you get what is below, which looks like it would show 10 hours.

          Click image for larger version

Name:	BIT_log_210316_125012.cert.htm.png
Views:	207
Size:	19.9 KB
ID:	50294


          • #6
            Currently the test certificate will display the temperature graph as it's drawn in BurnInTest (so if you zoom out that what's saved).

            In the next build we've made a change so the temperate graph is redrawn at the end of the test to show all the collected samples and this will be exported to the certificate.


            • #7
              That sounds perfect, thanks!

