1. How can i auto set the serial number in the .bits script through the command line, without opening the script file.
SETLOG "E:\BurnInTest\1234.htm"
RUN CONFIG "E:\BurnInTest\Test01.bitcfg" # this could be fixed
bit.exe -s burnIn_script_test.bits {some argument} #(one can enter is serial number)
2. For USB, if its detected as E or F, if machine changes
How can i handle that in script, without opening through command line (one can enter is E or F)
SETLOG "E:\BurnInTest\1234.htm"
RUN CONFIG "E:\BurnInTest\Test01.bitcfg" # this could be fixed
bit.exe -s burnIn_script_test.bits {some argument} #(one can enter is serial number)
2. For USB, if its detected as E or F, if machine changes
How can i handle that in script, without opening through command line (one can enter is E or F)