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BurnIn Test 11 Build 1006 in Windows PE mode

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  • zenmota
    Thanks for the info. Look forward to the next build. I will try changing the report name. I been using the default name, but I don't think I had problem saving the report in Windows, just Windows PE.


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  • Simon (PassMark)
    >The Clock Frequencies Tab/Graph doesn't seem to work in Windows PE Mode. Just blank. Maybe that is normal?
    CPU frequencies collected from Windows Performance Counters, WinPE likely missing this - so this is expected.

    >If you go to File/Save Results Report... I save the report to my C drive (not the Ram/Memory drive WinPE crates but a real HD). Looks like it saves it but when I but back into Windows, it's not there.
    This also occurs in standard Windows, will be fixed in next build - current workaround is to not use default report name.

    >Also, if try to save the report as a PDF, it says something about converter that converts html to pdf is not working or not found.
    WinPE is likely missing components that the html to pdf app we use requires, so PDF option is not supported for WinPE

    >On the 2D Graphics test, if I select Monitor Test and Test This Monitor, when the test is running it will show 2D Graphics Test (1 of 0).
    The '(1 of 1)' should not really be appearing when using Monitor Test option, this will be fixed in new build and add some basic cycle/operation count info to the tile as well.

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  • zenmota
    started a topic BurnIn Test 11 Build 1006 in Windows PE mode

    BurnIn Test 11 Build 1006 in Windows PE mode

    BurnIn Test 11 Build 1006 in Windows PE mode:

    1. The Clock Frequencies Tab/Graph doesn't seem to work in Windows PE Mode. Just blank. Maybe that is normal?

    2. If you go to File/Save Results Report... I save the report to my C drive (not the Ram/Memory drive WinPE crates but a real HD). Looks like it saves it but when I but back into Windows, it's not there. Also, if try to save the report as a PDF, it says something about converter that converts html to pdf is not working or not found.

    This is in both Windows and Windows PE:

    1. On the 2D Graphics test, if I select Monitor Test and Test This Monitor, when the test is running it will show 2D Graphics Test (1 of 0). Should be showing 2D Graphics Test (1 of 1). If you go back in the Config for it and select Local video memory (GPU, RAM) then run the Test, stop test then reselect Monitor Test then run the test again it will show correctly (2D Graphics Test (1 of 1), instead of (1 of 0). This happens in both Windows and Windows PE. Have Attached Screenshot.

    Thanks ​
    Attached Files