Yes, you need to use the name of the drive to write an image to a hard drive (including the /dev/ ). Not just a partition.
The MemTest86 file system is FAT32, which you should be able to read on a Mac, once mounted.
If you want to do something more complex with multiple partitions in addition to MemTest86 ones, then you can do it, but we don't support it. And it might have been nice to mention this in your first post, rather than wasting all this time finding it out.
The MemTest86 file system is FAT32, which you should be able to read on a Mac, once mounted.
If you want to do something more complex with multiple partitions in addition to MemTest86 ones, then you can do it, but we don't support it. And it might have been nice to mention this in your first post, rather than wasting all this time finding it out.