The current record holder on PassMark's Price Performance (CPUMark / $Price ) page is the AMD Phenom 8650 Triple-Core at 38.73.
Micro Center is pre-advertising the Intel® Core™ i5 2400 Processor at $149.99 ($219.99 less $70 instant, in-store savings).
If I'm doing the math correctly, that's a value score of 41.78 (6266/149.99).
Has an Intel chip just categorically leap-frogged over AMD as the best value for your CPU buck?
Micro Center is pre-advertising the Intel® Core™ i5 2400 Processor at $149.99 ($219.99 less $70 instant, in-store savings).
If I'm doing the math correctly, that's a value score of 41.78 (6266/149.99).
Has an Intel chip just categorically leap-frogged over AMD as the best value for your CPU buck?